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85th Battalion (Nova Scotia Highlanders) CEF


Photos and Photo Postcards - WW1 - Europe - 1916 to 1919



This section contains one photo of Canadian Prime Minister Sir Robert Borden greeting an officer of the 85th Battalion, France, 1918.

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Prime Minister Sir Robert Borden Greets an Officer of the 85th Battalion

Near Ferfay, France

July, 1918

Canadian Prime Minister Sir Robert Borden greets an officer of the 85th Battalion (Nova Scotia Highlanders) during an inspection of the battalion. At the time, the battalion was out of the line for rest, refitting and training. The men are wearing their new kilts that have just recently been issued to them.

Prime Minister Borden was an Honorary Colonel of the 85th Battalion and was a cousin of Lt-Col. Allison H. Borden, the first commanding officer of the battalion and commanding officer of the Nova Scotia Highland Brigade during its brief lifespan.

Photographer:  Unknown
Ref. Number:  0-2 (2-6.4)
Image Information:  Received as electronic file
Source:  Library and Archives Canada PA-002903

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