Theme Collections


85th Battalion (Nova Scotia Highlanders) CEF


Photos and Photo Postcards - WW1 - Canada - 1915 to 1916


Panoramic Photo 

This section contains one large panoramic photo of the 85th Battalion taken in Halifax, NS, during the winter of 1915-1916, before the unit went overseas. 

Click or tap on the image below for a high resolution, expandable image. Use your back button to return to this page.


Battalion Photo

85th Battalion (Nova Scotia Highlanders)

Halifax Commons, Halifax, NS

Winter, 1915-1916

On horseback in the centre front is the commanding officer of the 85th Battalion, Lt-Col. Allison H. Borden.

The view is looking east toward the harbour. The large building with the two towers in the left background is the Halifax Armoury. The buildings in front of it are barracks hastily constructed after the declaration of war. Citadel Hill is visible in the right background.

Unfortunately there are a couple of areas in the photo that are blurred. These imperfections were in the original photo.

Photographer:  MacLaughlan, Halifax, NS
Ref. Number:  0-4 (11-4-3.2)
Image Information:  Scan of original photo
Source:  Robert MacLellan Collection

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