Theme Collections


85th Battalion (Nova Scotia Highlanders)


Photos and Photo Postcards - WW1 - Canada - 1915 to 1916



This section contains one posed photo of the 85th Battalion Regimental Silver Band taken in Halifax, NS, circa 1915-1916.

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Silver Band

85th Battalion (Nova Scotia Highlanders)

Halifax, NS

Circa 1915-1916

The photo was taken in from of the Halifax Armoury. Note that the men have not yet been issued 85th Battalion cap badges and appear to be wearing General List badges or none at all.

1st Row, On the Ground:
1.  H. Murray
2.  Mascot Roudy
3.  L. Bryant

2nd Row, Seated:
1.  J.D. Logan
2.  E.B. Mitchell
3.  F.T. Freeman
4.  R.Y. Geddes
5.  A. Gallant
6.  Cpl. A. Myers
7.  Lieut. D. Mooney, (Bandmaster)
8.  Sgt. J.C. Profitt
9.  A.D. MacDougall
10.  F.D. Mooney
11.  H.P. Barnes

3rd Row, Standing:
1.  T.R. Roy
2.  W. Gallagher
3.  Cpl. W.D. McLeod
4.  F.B. Davidson
5.  F. Mason
6.  J.W. Henderson
7.  D.W. Cameron
8.  R. MacDougall
9.  H.A. MacDougall
10.  R.H. Roy
11.  W. Cameron

4th Row, Back Row:

1.  C. MacDonald
2.  J.A. Fraser
3.  A.R. MacDonald
4.  W.C. Dunne
5.  C.E. Purvis
6.  J. Roy
7.  A.A. MacDougall
8.  J.J. Gray
9.  J. Smith
10.  C.A. MacDonald

The names and ranks above are as printed below the original photo.

Photographer:  W.G. MacLaughlan, Halifax, NS
Ref. Number:  0-4 (3-10.2)
Image Information:  Scan of original photo
Source:  Robert MacLellan Collection

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